The Barstool Fund - Mulligan's Fireside Pub

Up next: Mulligan's Fireside Pub (Bronx, NY)

Family owned and operated for 44 years, Mulligan’s is the place to go in the Woodlawn section of the Bronx for excellent pub food and cold drinks.



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This family run Irish American Bar/Restaurant has been open since May 1977. It was opened by my grandfather who immigrated from Ireland. My dad then took it over and has put his heart and soul into this place since he was just a teenager. He wanted to be a police officer, he passed the test with flying colors but he only had sisters and did not want to leave his dad alone with the business. We have been featured in the New York post for our popular cheeseburgers, as many like to say “best in the Bronx.” We have made so many friends over the years, dozens of bands have performed on our stage before I was even born. I want to help my dad as much as possible. He has a lot of pride and doesn’t tell us when he is struggling, but I know he is. And it breaks my heart because that place is literally his whole life. He never takes a break. I have two sisters, we lost our mom in 2017 and he has always been the best dad to us, even more so now having to do it all alone. Please help us in any way that you can. He’s the greatest man I’ve ever known and he has given us the life we have because of that bar. we had to turn it into a restaurant basically overnight when we were told we can only do takeout now. My dad doesn’t need this stress, we need him he is all we have and it breaks our heart to see him struggling. Anything you can do to help would be appreciated and we would be eternally grateful. Thank you for what you are doing for these small businesses. You are literally saving families. 


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